Thursday, 7 February 2013

Have you embraced the responsive web design yet?

Has the responsive design fever caught up with you, yet? The same web design which appears wider at an instance and seems to intuitively shrink itself the moment you shrink the size of the browser? Well, this is not a gimmick on the part of web developers to hold users in awe, but this is, what we predict, the need of the hour – responsive web design

Responsive Web Design Services
Responsive Web Design - Need of Today
Personal computers, a soon to be things of a past!

We have entered a critical dimension where the sales of smart phones and tablets are taking over the sales of our good old friends, the personal computers. Ever since 2001, 2012, for the first time saw a decline in the projected sales, as compared to the previous year. This is nothing but good news for the tablet industry as the sales of tablets are expected to cross the 100 million mark this year.

Besides, smart phones is a flourishing industry, and with key players like Apple and Samsung readily coming up with new and much more power packed and feature packed phones, who would want to go back to immobile and bulky counterpart?

Responsive Web Design – the deal clincher!

Given the 1000s of varying screens a person may use to browse through your website, the only solution left here is to build a website which can slip through various multi disciplinary screens, with the same amount of ease and perfection. Sounds crazy, right? But today, with the advent of responsive web design services, you can very easily achieve the same.

A responsive web design makes use of the media queries and intuitively figures out the resolution on which the device is working on. The liquid fluid grids and flexible images then actively adjust themselves as per the size of the screen. Thus, if you get to view a responsive web design on your desktop, by shrinking the size of the screen, you will have a responsive web design page shrink itself and adjust according to the parameters of the browser screen. Sheer genius it is.

The benefit of a responsive design is pretty simple and straight forward – you have to get it done for once, and then it will work seamlessly across a wide gamut of screens.

Keeping in mind the present day users and a wide variety of options available with them to view your website, the responsive web design is nothing but trampling on a pot of gold.

2013 is going to be responsive year, are you ready?

With experts predicting the same increasing surge in the tablet and smart phones industry and the fact that users find it much more convenient and luxurious to read the news via mobile instead of apps, one can safely presume that 2013 is going to be the year of responsive web design. For a website owner, a responsive web design means an easy way to reach out to a plethora of users, and for users, it means easy flexibility to access information through a number of devices.

We believe Ethan Marcotte, the author of Responsive Web Design, said it best about its need when he said, "Now more than ever, we’re designing work meant to be viewed along a gradient of different experiences. Responsive web design offers us a way forward, finally allowing us to 'design for the ebb and flow of things.'"

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